
Source the PowerAdmin Mailing List:

About two weeks ago, I made the announcement of my resignation as

project manager of the Poweradmin project. Quite a few send me an

e-mail, telling me they wanted to take over the project.
Of all of these people, I have chosen Scott Harvanek to be my successor.

Scott is also involved in other projects. He helps developing a number

of modules to FreePBX, he works on the Shoutcast Management Interface

(SMI) and is Fedora Project manager and head of FreeMedia USA. Scott

works at Login Inc and his own company SPEAKservers LLC.
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SMI Version 0.3.3 coming out this weekend / Site updates.

I’ve updated the SHOUTcast Management Interface SourceForge web page, we’re now using TRAC to manage all tickets / documentations.  I’ve moved to this because it allows us to keep the site updated more and improve documentation drastically.

Additional SMI version 0.3.3 will be released this weekend.  This new version includes some bug fixes along with a new feature to limit bitrate!  With this new feature, administrators can limit the maximum bitrate at wich their clients can stream ergo enforcing max bitrates!

The new script will monitor the bitrate for any given server and check that against the setting in the database, if the bitrate on the server is found to exceed the setting for the server that service is then disabled and a email is send to the administrator informing them the server was shutdown and what bitrate was found on that server.


Amarok no sound in Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty

To my dismay when I loaded up Amarok 2.0.2 after a upgrade from 8.10 (Intrepid) to 9.04 (Jaunty) I was getting a error that my sound card was broken.

However, sound worked in all other applications. The solution is to:

sudo apt-get install phonon-backend-xine
sudo apt-get remove phonon-backend-gstreamer

after that restart Amarok (if it wasn’t already closed) and hooray sound works!.


XBMC Babylon 9.04 Alpha 1 RPMs

Are beginning to come out of the oven, I’ve finally got the build farm back online and after a few script tweaks xbmc-9.04alpha1 for Fedora 10 i386 has rolled out cleanly and the rest are on the way. 🙂


-Scott H.

Ubuntu Mirror Setup

We (Login Inc.) have setup a new 1Gbps Ubuntu mirror, we are a official release/archive mirror for ubuntu now. HTTP/FTP/RSYNC are all provided.

